Thursday, January 17, 2008

And so it begins

Some years ago I spent much of my free time writing fiction. And then, at a certain point, I realized that I didn't know very much about anything, and that as a result my stories tended to be cleverly derived sets of variations, commentaries and inversions on other stories.

So I stopped writing, with the resolution to get back to it when I knew something about life.

A couple years ago, I began writing a blog called DarwinCatholic. Whatever else one thinks of blogging as an activity, I must say that the discipline of putting out a steady post-per-day for one's readers is certainly a good way to develop the ability to simply sit down and write.

As time has passed, though, I find myself thinking of trying to write fiction once again. And since blogging has become so familiar to me as a medium, it seemed the logical place to begin practicing my fiction skills once again. Whether I have learned anything during my period of absence remains to be seen.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

One of my first writing teachers told me to stop writing and start leaving, and then, with the passage of time, would I be able to write. Good advice that was.